I believe that drinking water is so important. It is critical for our body to function correctly. We can all agree on that. People who suffer from Crohn’s pose a real risk of becoming dehydrated; you may even want to use electrolyte-replacement beverages as they can help. Also remember to drink enough water before, during, and after activity. Staying ahead of dehydration is critical. Once you actually feel real thirst you are actually dehydrated. It takes 21 days of not feeling thirsty to correct this problem in your body. So to avoid this I recommend that you sip [not skull] plenty of water during the day, I also believe that you should make sure you are drinking water at room temperature or drink the water slightly warm. You can add lemon to it to improve the taste if you desire. To to make sure you are getting enough drink water following this plan: [a] Have a glass of water at your bedside so that you can drink water during the night if you wake up. [b] On rising, drink a glass of warm water with lemon in it. This starts the digestive juices flowing and can also assist in going to the toilet if that is a problem for you. The lemon also adds flavor to enable you to drink the required amount of water. [c] Aim to drink 1 litre of water by lunchtime (sitting the water bottle at your work station and sipping from it continuously will help). [d] Continue to sip on the water after lunch and aim to drink another litre by dinner time. [e] Once you are home, continue to sip water and aim to drink another litre by bedtime. The following are also some reasons as to why you should drink water at a certain time as drinking water at the correct time maximizes its effectiveness on the human body :
So let me know how you go with drinking more water and tell me the benefits you experience. Remember if you have any more questions about drinking water then please free to email me at m[email protected] or visit my Facebook Page at My Crohn's Doctor. Yours in Health and Wellness Dr Michael LEGAL DISCLAIMER - This article (including links to any/all website pages, blog posts, blog comments, forum, videos, audio recordings, etc.) is not intended to replace the services of a physician, nor does it constitute a doctor-patient relationship. Information is provided for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional medical advice. You should not use the information for diagnosing or treating a medical or health condition. If you have or suspect you have an urgent medical problem, promptly contact your professional healthcare provider. Any application of the recommendations in this blog post is at the reader's discretion. My Crohn's Doctor and Dr Michael are not liable for any direct or indirect claim, loss or damage resulting from use of this blog. Readers should consult their own physicians concerning the recommendations in this article.
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