I was diagnosed with Crohn's at a young age and my journey through my teenage years was precarious as a result. I was sick, I was well, and I was ill again. As a result, school was not a great place for me. I went from a straight-A student to just getting by, and I felt like I was always struggling. I was stressed. It’s hard to study, hang out with friends and have a part-time job when you have this disease. I am sure you all know what I mean.
I finally went off to Uni, and I struggled again. The lack of energy and the stress played havoc with my health until I finally succumbed to having surgery. I thought this was going to be the answer, BUT it merely opened up another can of worms for my health. I continued to fight my way through my study until I graduated. However, not long after I started work as a chiropractor, the wheels fell off again. My health went, and again I agreed to another surgery. This experience was far worse than the first. I became septic, spent one month in Intensive Care, nearly died three times and was left with 90cm of Small Bowel. To say I have experienced everything this disease can throw at you is an understatement. During my life with Crohn's, I have always struggled with what my mind wants to do and what my body was able to do. I had plans, goals, dreams but this disease was continually thwarting them. However, the real reason I struggled was that I couldn’t handle the way people looked at me or thought of me because of what they saw on the outside. That was my real struggle. On the outside, I seemed ok due to the medication they put me on, BUT you guys know the truth. Inside I was dying. Again, the stress, the lack of energy, the trying to live up to my own expectations, without even thinking of the judgement of others. It was all too much — the self-medicating, the loneliness, the depression that was taking over my life. I was spending my days helping others to live their best life and yet I was miserable and definitely NOT living the life that I had dreamed of. I think I hit the wall a few times during this journey. It took a few bangs on the head to get me to realise I needed to change. I already knew I wanted to, but I guess I didn’t know how. My most vivid memory was the day I left the hospital after spending four months trapped inside. My surgeon said to me as I was leaving the hospital that he wished me good luck and that there was nothing they could do for me medically. He wasn’t sure of what lay ahead for me but thought I probably wouldn’t live very long. I was 49 kg and stooped over like an old man. When in reality I was 28 years old and should have been in the prime of my life. As I left, he handed me the Serenity Prayer. That certainly stopped me in my tracks. After this encounter with my surgeon, I realised that if I wanted to live, then I needed to take control of my health. None of the medical doctors I saw offered me any real solution. (BTW I am not a doctor basher at all. My son wants to study medicine. BUT they couldn’t help me.) It’s not their fault as this disease doesn’t seem to fit the medical model currently being taught to our doctors. I realised I needed to go way outside the box and try and find people or things that offered me a different solution or a different way of healing. And, believe me, I tried everything. I cooked goats’ intestines; I ate green Papaya leaves cooked, I ate boiled Cascara seeds. I travelled to India, America, Thailand to find the answers. One of the most vivid memories I have though is travelling to the rainforests in far north Queensland and living with a natural hygienist. We ate raw food, bathed in the river and shared stories on healing. This time cemented my views on what had happened to me. Why I had gotten sick, why I was now left with 90cm of short bowel and told I wouldn’t live very long. This time also taught me the things that I needed to do to get better. All the crazy things I’d done that I now needed to let go of. It became obvious to me. I had made being well so complicated that there was no way anyone could stick to what I thought I had to do. It was so painful to think about the steps, the actions, the complicated diet. I kept failing at sticking to it and then I would give up. At least if I ate a grilled chicken burger from Burger King (Hungry Jacks in Australia), I felt pleasure for a while. This was a vicious cycle I had been spiralling down so it was crucial I had this moment while I still held the possibility that I could get well within me. I realised that I didn’t have any chances left and that if I wanted a better life in the future, I had to take action now. The answer, I discovered, was something, as a chiropractor, I already knew. The body has an amazing ability to heal if given the right circumstances. Fine tuning those circumstances and giving my body the time to heal turned out to be the solution. The difference this time over all the others was I kept it simple. While I was in the rainforest life was simple, there weren’t all the shiny objects to distract me, the excuses I had used in the past didn’t apply, eg I needed energy to get to work so it was ok to eat/drink something sugary, I was stressed, so I needed a drink to relax. As the plan unfolded, the excuses weren't there, and it turns out the plan was pretty simple. I learnt I could stick to it and I also discovered that it wasn’t the end of the world if I strayed from the plan. The plan was simple, so if I strayed, I simply got back on. We all make healing so complicated. You need this powder with these 27 other ingredients, plus you need to eat this, do that and then do these five times a day. No wonder we all fail. What my plan taught me was that it could be simple, it was easy to follow and if you strayed so what. You just began again. There were many challenges along the way to finding better health for myself. I had to let go of what I thought was the answers to allow room for the actual solutions that caused me to get healthy. I also had to quieten the noise of others who thought I was crazy because I wasn’t doing the things that I was supposed to. Even at times, I doubted myself because my path was definitely off the beaten track. I also had to remain steadfast as there were times my symptoms and health got worse before they got better. I always find this funny as I explain this concept to my patients regularly and so easily and they accept what I say, BUT for me, that was a big challenge. I wanted to HEAL now, not later and I wanted it to be easy. The result is my Crohn’s is gone. I have had pill cams, colonoscopies and there is no evidence of the disease. I have done the things I wanted, had kids, travelled and worked all over the world and been able to surf. I have also been able to instil the ingredients for great health into my children, and that really excites me as well. I also enjoy immensely being able to tell others that they can be well and live their best life. The transformation I experienced has been multi-layered. I not only have the best health that I can have, but I have also been able to assist my family in having their best health. PLUS, I have also been able to help 1000’s of other people live their happiest and healthiest lives, and that makes me super happy. Life isn’t about suffering or lack. It’s about joy and abundance. And that’s what I want to continue doing. Helping others and giving them the necessary tools to escape and to keep escaping from the jaws of this terrible disease every time it tries to take a bite out of them. I wish you well Dr Michael
Gelatin is a translucent, powdery substance, resembling the texture and appearance of white sand, and is full of amino acids. While our bodies can make some of the amino acids on their own, we experience higher levels of inflammation, sickness, compromised digestion, aches and pains, resulting in depleted essential amino acid levels that the human body requires to function optimally. Gelatin’s amino acid profile
One of the most valuable amino acids found in gelatin is glycine, which helps to lower inflammation, improve mental alertness, joints and digestive health as well as helping to prevent and heal leaky gut. This is what makes gelatin an important food to add to your diet when you have Crohn's Disease. In addition to this, gelatin has a number of other key benefits if you have Crohn's Disease: ( Thank you to Changing Habits for this great list.) 11 HEALTH BENEFITS OF GELATIN 1. Skin health Consuming more gelatin in our diets is a smart natural skin care approach. The reason for this is that gelatin has skin healing properties due to its rich source of collagen. Collagen is considered one of the building blocks for skin, it helps with skin elasticity, reduces skin roughness, aging, wrinkles, stretch marks and helps protect you from free radical damage. 2. Teeth, nails and hair Gelatin provides abundant amounts of calcium, magnesium and phosphorous which helps to build and maintain strong teeth, nails and hair. 3. Cellulite and stretch marks Cellulite is caused by a breakdown or loss of collagen. Gelatin also helps prevent stretch marks by improving the skins strength, elasticity, tone and firmness. 4. Hormone balance The glycine in gelatin helps the body to make glutathione which is crucial for helping to remove excess estrogen from the body. 5. Adrenals Under stressful situations the body requires more minerals, nutrients and amino acids which can be provided to the body from gelatin. Gelatin has been found to help rejuvenate organs such as the adrenals as it helps the body to deal with stress easier. 6. Mood booster Many people take amino acid supplements to naturally boost mental focus and clarity, ‘happy’ hormones and reduce nor-epinephrine (stress hormones). However, what they don’t know is that gelatin can aid in all of this as it contains many amino acids, one being glycine which acts similarly to an anti-anxiety and an anti-depressant, but without the negative side effects. 7. Boosts metabolism Glycine also helps to boost metabolism and also helps to regulate insulin sensitivity keeping people from storing abdominal fat. 8. Digestion Gelatin is incredibly easy to digest. Some of the amino acids founds in gelatin helps to increase hydrochloric acid in the stomach which is essential for digestion and nutrient assimilation. 9. Keeps you satiated Taking gelatin increases satiety hormones and helps to control and lower hunger hormones. 10. Improves sleep Gelatin has been found to not only aid sleep, but also improves sleep quality and reduces day time sleepiness. 11. Aids liver detoxification Often in today’s toxic world the body can’t make enough glycine needed to keep up with the body’s detoxification needs. Taking gelatin provides additional glycine which supports the neutralisation of toxins in the liver and aids the body to naturally detox from heavy metals along with toxins and chemicals from our diet and environment. HOW TO ADD MORE GELATIN TO YOUR DIET. The best way to consume gelatin is to honour the whole animal and eat from ‘Head to Toe’, meaning you use the bones and connective tissues from healthy animals to make foods like stock or bone broth. You can then use this stock or bone broth as the base of curries, soups, stews and to cook vegetables in. While eating bone broth is one of the best ways to get gelatin, collagen, nutrients, minerals and other important nutritional components, we do understand that this isn’t always easy or possible for some people. Another alternative is to add gelatin powder to your diet, which can allow you to make it an easy and simple addition to many foods like smoothies, coffee, hot chocolates, gravies, and many more. HOW MUCH GELATIN DO I NEED? Most people can start off with ½ – 1 Tbsp of gelatin (or 1 cup of bone broth) per day without any side effects and are able to slowly increase the amount every week or so as you body becomes used to the volume. As everyone is unique and has different requirements, the key here is to listen to your body and its needs. It’s important not to get too carried away with consuming gelatin, especially if you are new to it. Taking too much gelatin too quickly can lead to some digestive distress, so start slowly and listen to your body’s signs and symptoms. Gelatin is a product that I use regularly because of its wonderful healing properties and natural source of amino acids which aids skin and bone health, hair and nail growth, recovery after exercise, immune function, digestion aid and weight regulation. Unable to source certified organic gelatin within Australia, Changing Habits Organic gelatin is supplied by a 5th generation family owned business in Europe, recognised for their high quality standards. So add some gelatin into your diet so you too can reap the health benefits. This is the Gelatin I like to use. |
Our typical diet consists mostly of acidifying foods (proteins, cereals, sugars). Alkaline foods such as fruits and vegetables are often eaten in much smaller quantities; not enough to neutralise the excess of acidifying foods we consume. Also having Crohn's disease makes this more difficult as well as sometimes the food we should eat is not the food we can tolerate comfortably. Also, our bad habits like tobacco, coffee, tea and alcohol are extremely acidifying. Our body is approximately 20 percent acidic and 80 percent alkaline, and it is recommended that we consume approximately 20 percent acidic foods and 80 percent alkaline foods. The acid in the acid/alkaline balance is not the same as stomach acid. A healthy stomach pH is acidic, which is necessary for digesting food. What we are discussing here is the pH of the body’s fluids, cells and tissues. Alkalinity is also more about what happens AFTER digestions. For example, lemons and oranges are considered acidic, but after digestion, they supply alkaline minerals to the body. |
So your diet needs to be reasonably alkaline – for it to be energising and to get all the benefits mentioned above. Diet is the safest way to balance your acidity. If your diet is not what it should be, you can also add alkaline water.
If you have any more questions then please free to email me at [email protected] or visit my Facebook Page at My Crohn's Doctor.
Yours in Health and Wellness
Dr Michael
Yours in Health and Wellness
Dr Michael
My Crohn's Doctor
LEGAL DISCLAIMER - This article (including links to any/all website pages, blog posts, blog comments, forum, videos, audio recordings, etc.) is not intended to replace the services of a physician, nor does it constitute a doctor-patient relationship. Information is provided for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional medical advice. You should not use the information for diagnosing or treating a medical or health condition. If you have or suspect you have an urgent medical problem, promptly contact your professional healthcare provider. Any application of the recommendations in this email is at the reader's discretion. My Crohn's Doctor and Dr Michael are not liable for any direct or indirect claim, loss or damage resulting from use of this email. Readers should consult their own physicians concerning the recommendations in this article.
The problem today is that we don't eat dirt; we wash everything. Of course, given what is in the dirt and on the dirt around us, it’s probably best that we do clean it all. But in the process, we never get a chance to ingest those healthy bacteria that our genes expect us to.
In most healthy people this doesn't usually present a problem. As long as there are some healthy gut bacteria present those healthy bacteria can flourish and keep us well. BUT unfortunately, we have Crohn's Disease.
So, as long as we don't get too stressed out (stress hormones can kill off healthy flora),
too sick (diarrhoea and vomiting are ways the body purges bad bacteria – but it purges good bacteria with them), or take antibiotics (antibiotics tend to kill most bacteria – that’s their job), and as long as we are eating well we are able to keep our healthy bacteria and keep them flourishing.
We live in a time when stress is everywhere, where we do tend to get sick and take antibiotics, where we eat certain processed foods that support the growth of unhealthy bacteria and yeast forms while choking out the healthy flora. That is our everyday life.
So what can we do?
Many people whose diets include daily doses of yoghurt or acidophilus can maintain healthy gut flora, but these sources aren’t always reliable (pasteurising and added sugars can reduce their effectiveness), and not everyone with Crohn's Disease can tolerate dairy that well. For that reason, it’s wise to take probiotic supplements.
Mark Sisson thinks we should think of probiotic supplements as friends.
"Not those friends you always tell “we should hang out more!” when you run into them but never do. Real friends. The ones you have over for dinner every week. The ones you include in group texts that go for months without breaking. That’s how you should treat probiotics – like real friends whose company you genuinely enjoy and who come in capsules and require refrigeration."
He recommends taking probiotics with food or 30 minutes before meals, as our bodies are “meant” to consume probiotics with food. They seem to survive the transit through our gut when taken this way (as opposed to after a meal).
I like to take mine 30 minutes before I eat.
If you have any more questions then please free to email me at [email protected] or visit my Facebook Page at My Crohn's Doctor.
Yours in Health and Wellness
Dr Michael
In most healthy people this doesn't usually present a problem. As long as there are some healthy gut bacteria present those healthy bacteria can flourish and keep us well. BUT unfortunately, we have Crohn's Disease.
So, as long as we don't get too stressed out (stress hormones can kill off healthy flora),
too sick (diarrhoea and vomiting are ways the body purges bad bacteria – but it purges good bacteria with them), or take antibiotics (antibiotics tend to kill most bacteria – that’s their job), and as long as we are eating well we are able to keep our healthy bacteria and keep them flourishing.
We live in a time when stress is everywhere, where we do tend to get sick and take antibiotics, where we eat certain processed foods that support the growth of unhealthy bacteria and yeast forms while choking out the healthy flora. That is our everyday life.
So what can we do?
Many people whose diets include daily doses of yoghurt or acidophilus can maintain healthy gut flora, but these sources aren’t always reliable (pasteurising and added sugars can reduce their effectiveness), and not everyone with Crohn's Disease can tolerate dairy that well. For that reason, it’s wise to take probiotic supplements.
Mark Sisson thinks we should think of probiotic supplements as friends.
"Not those friends you always tell “we should hang out more!” when you run into them but never do. Real friends. The ones you have over for dinner every week. The ones you include in group texts that go for months without breaking. That’s how you should treat probiotics – like real friends whose company you genuinely enjoy and who come in capsules and require refrigeration."
He recommends taking probiotics with food or 30 minutes before meals, as our bodies are “meant” to consume probiotics with food. They seem to survive the transit through our gut when taken this way (as opposed to after a meal).
I like to take mine 30 minutes before I eat.
If you have any more questions then please free to email me at [email protected] or visit my Facebook Page at My Crohn's Doctor.
Yours in Health and Wellness
Dr Michael
My Crohn's Doctor
LEGAL DISCLAIMER - This article (including links to any/all website pages, blog posts, blog comments, forum, videos, audio recordings, etc.) is not intended to replace the services of a physician, nor does it constitute a doctor-patient relationship. Information is provided for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional medical advice. You should not use the information for diagnosing or treating a medical or health condition. If you have or suspect you have an urgent medical problem, promptly contact your professional healthcare provider. Any application of the recommendations in this blog post is at the reader's discretion. My Crohn's Doctor and Dr Michael are not liable for any direct or indirect claim, loss or damage resulting from use of this blog. Readers should consult their own physicians concerning the recommendations in this article.
Our way of life is ever changing and becoming increasingly stressful. People are reaching for the quick fix of an energy drink or a chocolate bar to get them through the day, to make that meeting or even to have dinner with the relatives.
Admit it, who hasn't done this? When you've been up all night in the bathroom but still have to make yourself go to work in the morning, you want something easy, quick and something that works.
However, there is one big problem with this approach. Sure you have that drink, and you feel more active, but then what happens after the drink. It is like a roller coaster. You have an increase in energy, but then you have to have the downward part of the ride. So we go up and down throughout the day from one quick fix to the other.
The correct approach is to never get your body into a state where you need the quick fix. Ok, stop laughing now. That is, of course, the storybook approach to life but we live in the real world of Crohn's disease where the happy ending approach does not always work.
What we need though is a HEALTHY quick fix to give us the extra energy we need but we also want to avoid the crash and burn of an unhealthy choice.
To the sun, that is! Make sure you take breaks throughout the day to go outside as natural sunlight reduces stress hormones, lowers blood pressure and increases serotonin levels which lifts mood and energy. Also helps you make sure you are not deficient in Vitamin D. So if you know you get tired around 3:30, take a short walk outside or sit in the sun for few minutes every day.
Drink more water! (this is the one a lot of us have the most trouble with) Dehydration causes fatigue, and if you don’t drink enough water consistently you can feel sluggish all the time! Don't stop at just drinking it, take a break from your desk and splash cold water on your face: Cool water stimulates circulation and metabolism and definitely wakes you up!
Air that is. Learning how to take breaks throughout the day to breathe deeply can help boost energy almost immediately! Start with an intentional practice of breathing every afternoon when you feel most tired, breathe deeply in for 5 counts, hold for 2 counts and out again for 5 counts. Do 5 reps!
Studies have shown that listening to about an hour of upbeat music that you find stimulating every day, can reduce fatigue and increase dopamine. So put your headphones on, lock the door to your office and dance like no one is watching [and hopefully no one is]
Drink a green juice (for example juiced kale, lettuce, green apple, ginger, lemon and garlic). Or go for a green tea! These are all super healthy foods that immediately increase energy in a “healthy energy drink” way! Anyone of these or all can be great afternoon pick me ups!
Simply stand up for more hours of the day. Global studies have found that we generally sit for an average of 7.7 hours a day—this can be very negative for personal health. Just simply standing up every couple hours can increase your energy and overall health. I have recently seen many offices providing standing desk options for employees.
Studies show that the more you surround yourself with high energy, positive people, the more you will be able to generate high energy and positivity! Make more choices to spend time with happy, energetic people!
The act of chewing stimulates brain functioning and chewing on something citrus will give you an immediate boost.
Snack on a mix of chia seeds, goji berries and dark chocolate—each proven on their own to have high energy-boosting content.
Many studies have shown that smelling peppermint, cinnamon or something with citrus, such as orange or lemon scents can perk up energy levels. Add a dab of scented oil onto the inside of your wrist as you do your breathing reps!
Remember if you have any more questions about drinking water then please free to email me at [email protected] or visit my Facebook Page at My Crohn's Doctor.
Yours in Health and Wellness
Dr Michael
Admit it, who hasn't done this? When you've been up all night in the bathroom but still have to make yourself go to work in the morning, you want something easy, quick and something that works.
However, there is one big problem with this approach. Sure you have that drink, and you feel more active, but then what happens after the drink. It is like a roller coaster. You have an increase in energy, but then you have to have the downward part of the ride. So we go up and down throughout the day from one quick fix to the other.
The correct approach is to never get your body into a state where you need the quick fix. Ok, stop laughing now. That is, of course, the storybook approach to life but we live in the real world of Crohn's disease where the happy ending approach does not always work.
What we need though is a HEALTHY quick fix to give us the extra energy we need but we also want to avoid the crash and burn of an unhealthy choice.
To the sun, that is! Make sure you take breaks throughout the day to go outside as natural sunlight reduces stress hormones, lowers blood pressure and increases serotonin levels which lifts mood and energy. Also helps you make sure you are not deficient in Vitamin D. So if you know you get tired around 3:30, take a short walk outside or sit in the sun for few minutes every day.
Drink more water! (this is the one a lot of us have the most trouble with) Dehydration causes fatigue, and if you don’t drink enough water consistently you can feel sluggish all the time! Don't stop at just drinking it, take a break from your desk and splash cold water on your face: Cool water stimulates circulation and metabolism and definitely wakes you up!
Air that is. Learning how to take breaks throughout the day to breathe deeply can help boost energy almost immediately! Start with an intentional practice of breathing every afternoon when you feel most tired, breathe deeply in for 5 counts, hold for 2 counts and out again for 5 counts. Do 5 reps!
Studies have shown that listening to about an hour of upbeat music that you find stimulating every day, can reduce fatigue and increase dopamine. So put your headphones on, lock the door to your office and dance like no one is watching [and hopefully no one is]
Drink a green juice (for example juiced kale, lettuce, green apple, ginger, lemon and garlic). Or go for a green tea! These are all super healthy foods that immediately increase energy in a “healthy energy drink” way! Anyone of these or all can be great afternoon pick me ups!
Simply stand up for more hours of the day. Global studies have found that we generally sit for an average of 7.7 hours a day—this can be very negative for personal health. Just simply standing up every couple hours can increase your energy and overall health. I have recently seen many offices providing standing desk options for employees.
Studies show that the more you surround yourself with high energy, positive people, the more you will be able to generate high energy and positivity! Make more choices to spend time with happy, energetic people!
The act of chewing stimulates brain functioning and chewing on something citrus will give you an immediate boost.
Snack on a mix of chia seeds, goji berries and dark chocolate—each proven on their own to have high energy-boosting content.
Many studies have shown that smelling peppermint, cinnamon or something with citrus, such as orange or lemon scents can perk up energy levels. Add a dab of scented oil onto the inside of your wrist as you do your breathing reps!
Remember if you have any more questions about drinking water then please free to email me at [email protected] or visit my Facebook Page at My Crohn's Doctor.
Yours in Health and Wellness
Dr Michael
My Crohn's Doctor
LEGAL DISCLAIMER - This article (including links to any/all website pages, blog posts, blog comments, forum, videos, audio recordings, etc.) is not intended to replace the services of a physician, nor does it constitute a doctor-patient relationship. Information is provided for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional medical advice. You should not use the information for diagnosing or treating a medical or health condition. If you have or suspect you have an urgent medical problem, promptly contact your professional healthcare provider. Any application of the recommendations in this blog post is at the reader's discretion. My Crohn's Doctor and Dr Michael are not liable for any direct or indirect claim, loss or damage resulting from use of this blog. Readers should consult their own physicians concerning the recommendations in this article.