When we are going through a flare-up it is important to make sure we eat food that is gentle on our stomach and lower GI tract. Usually we don’t feel like eating much but it is important to keep up our nutrition as well as our calories to prevent us from losing to much weight. Therefore we need to choose foods that are easy to digest, nutritious and that they taste and look good as well. Eggs Eggs are great to eat if you are recovering from a flare. When you have inflammation or you are recovering from a flare, you need extra protein. Remember the job of protein is growth and repair. Eggs are a great choice because they're an easily digested form of protein. Eggs can be prepared in many ways — poached, fried, scrambled, hard-boiled. Experiment until you find what you like. I would definitely recommend staying away from the fried egg and remember organic and free range are best. Creamy Coconut Yogurt To help soothe your GI tract it is important to include healthy bacteria into your diet. This can be done easily by eating a cup of natural coconut yoghurt. To make the yoghurt more interesting add a ripe banana and mix. You can also make a smoothie using the yoghurt, a banana [or 2] and some ice cubes. HINT: Don’t eat the yoghurt with the fruit in it as they usually contain seeds. Soft Cooked Carrots The importance of eating soft cooked carrots during a flare-up is twofold. The soft cooked carrot is well tolerated and they also contain beta carotene. This is an antioxidant which plays an important role in healing. Either eat them plain or with any seasoning that you can tolerate or juice them with a fresh skinless apple. These two juiced together with ice make a delicious and refreshing drink Poultry and Fish Eating fish and skinless poultry provide a good source of protein and iron which is important during a flare-up. Using the appropriate cooking also makes them easy to digest. BONUS: Using a Fatty fish like wild salmon and sardines provide the added benefit of omega-3 fats, which help ease inflammation. Make sure you don’t use a FATTY COOKING METHOD. Ripe Banana We can usually handle bananas during flare-ups. They also provide us with a good source of potassium. It has many positive effects on someone who suffers from Crohn’s disease so during a flare-up it can play an even more important role. Make sure the Bananas are RIPE as they are easier to digest. If you have any more questions then please free to email me at [email protected] or visit my Facebook Page at My Crohn's Doctor. Yours in Health and Wellness Dr Michael My Crohn's Doctor
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