![]() Now before you start freaking out I am not talking about completing a marathon [well unless you want to] I am simply talking about whatever type and level of exercise suits your current state of health. Now I know [I live with it everyday] that living with Crohn’s Disease means making certain changes to your daily routine. You may have to get up earlier to take a packed lunch to work or have time to make your green smoothie but for most people, that routine should still include exercise. Exercise benefits almost everyone, and people who have Crohn’s are no exception. I know if I am exercising I feel better physically and mentally. Can you believe it was actually once thought that exercise could worsen someones Crohn’s symptoms. However studies have shown that this is not the case. In fact, research has actually shown that light exercise can benefit people who have Crohn’s Disease. In fact in one Canadian study, researchers found that taking a walk for as little as 30 minutes three days a week increased well-being and quality of life in people with mild Crohn’s disease. There are also several long-term benefits of exercise for Crohn’s patients, including faster recovery from surgery, rebuilding of weakened muscles, and the prevention of calcium and protein loss from bones. Now what sort of exercise do I recommend. I think in general, low-impact exercises such as walking, cycling and swimming are good options. You might also want to try weight training, or strength training to help build strength in your body. (Remember to make sure you drink enough water) So what do I do for exercise? Well I like to walk or run everyday if possible. [I have included a picture of me surfing with my friend Brad in Indonesia] Swimming is also something I like to do a couple of times a week and I know I am feeling my best when I am also weight training every second day. I actually like to try and do yoga at least once a week as well as surf everyday. To be honest if I could just surf everyday I would be a happy man. If you have any more questions please feel free to email me at [email protected] or visit my Facebook Page at My Crohn's Doctor Yours in Health and Wellness Dr Michael My Crohn's Doctor
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