Do you want to change your health? Do you want to change your life? You can, Just start today!
If you have been wanting to make changes in your life, but have struggled with knowing exactly what to do, this program is for you. Let the My Crohn's Doctor Personal Health Coaches guide you toward your goals in a plan catered to your needs. Whether it is time constraints, emotional hurdles, or simply a lack of consistency, our coaches will help you navigate your way around any obstacle towards success!
My Crohn's Doctor Personal Health Coaching
Our comprehensive personal health coaching program is led by Dr Michael. He guarantees that your personal coach will pour their heart and soul into your coaching relationship, and will give you the extensive personal attention, support, encouragement and expert guidance you need to succeed. It doesn't matter where you are situated right now, our Health Coaches will help you reach your goals.
Want more Information?
If you are interested in My Crohn's Doctor's Personal Health Coaching then please fill in your details below and we can organise a time to discuss your goals and customize a program to suit all of your your needs. Thank you for your interest! Dr Michael
Enquire about My Crohn's Doctor Personal Health Coaching Program. Limited places available.
Carryn, 43 USA, Mother of a Teenage Crohn's Sufferer - The personal coaching for my daughter was very helpful. She needed the personal attention to deal with all the problems she faced as a teenager with crohn's. I would highly recommend it.
Gary, 50 AUS, A 20 year sufferer - Dr Michael and his team really made a massive difference to my overall health and outlook towards my illness. I learnt to control it and STOP the control it had over me for 20 years. THANK YOU!
Debbie, 22 AUS, A 5 year sufferer- Dr Michael is amazing, he totally saved my life. I enjoy a normal life now which is something I thought I could never do.
LEGAL DISCLAIMER - This website (including links to any/all site pages, blog posts, blog comments, forum, videos, audio recordings, etc.) is not intended to replace the services of a physician, nor does it constitute a doctor-patient relationship. Information is provided for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional medical advice. You should not use the information for diagnosing or treating a medical or health condition. If you have or suspect you have an urgent medical problem, promptly contact your professional healthcare provider. Any application of the recommendations in this website is at the reader's discretion. My Crohn's Doctor and Dr Michael are not liable for any direct or indirect claim, loss or damage resulting from use of this website. Readers should consult their own physicians concerning the recommendations in this website.